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Getting Started with APICove

Welcome! You're here because you're ready to accelerate your API development and testing with the APICove tools. This guide will walk you through the basics and get you up and running quickly.

What is APICove?

APICove is a suite of tools designed to speed up the entire API lifecycle—from design to testing. Whether you're just starting out or deep in the development process, APICove tools can help streamline your workflow and reduce the manual work involved.

The Tools

GYAT: Go-Through Your API Tool

GYAT is a command-line tool that simplifies running API tests. It was built with ease of use in mind, inspired by the simplicity of the kubectl CLI tool.

With GYAT, you can run API tests from your terminal—no coding required. Whether you’re validating endpoints or querying APIs, GYAT offers a straightforward approach to getting your API tests done.

How to Get Started with GYAT

To get started with GYAT, you'll need two simple things:

  1. An OpenAPI specification file: This describes the API you’re working with. For beginners, you can use the Petstore example API from the Pet Store repository.
  2. GYAT Configuration: GYAT uses the same configuration format as kubectl (i.e., the kubeconfig file). This keeps the learning curve minimal and makes configuration easier.

Example GYAT Commands


gyat is at an early stage of development. There may be breaking changes in the future to the command usage, flags, and configuration file formats. If something doesn't work as expected, please let us know by opening an issue, or contribute to its development with your feedback. 🤓

Here are some useful GYAT commands to get you started:

# Display help and list available APIs
gyat info

# List available operations for a specific API
gyat petstore info -v

# Retrieve a resource (e.g., pet) by ID
gyat petstore get pet 10

# Retrieve a resource (e.g., pet) by ID and output it in JSON format
gyat petstore get pet 10 --o=json

# Retrieve a resource (e.g., pet) with verbose output
gyat petstore get pet 10 --o=json --v

# Pipe output to jq for further processing
gyat petstore get pet 10 --o=json | jq .

# Retrieve a resource (e.g., pet) by operation ID with query parameters and output in YAML format
gyat petstore get pet --operationId=findPetsByStatus --status=available --o=yaml

For more information, check out the GYAT documentation.

APICove Studio Generator

The APICove Studio Generator helps you automatically generate API tests (using Jest or Mocha) from your OpenAPI spec file. Once generated, you can quickly integrate these tests into your project.

To see it in action, you can explore the Mocha project template, which is available directly on GitHub CodeSpaces for quick testing.